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A Revelation for You

After recently returning home from my European Travels, I have gained a new perspective on photography. I thought I would share it with you.
For a while now I’ve struggled with the fact that my photos in general seem to lack direction or category.  What I mean by this is that when I observe the amazing work of my fellow photographers, I can usually sense an overall distinguishable shooting style in their work.  However when I review my own, it seems scattered and sporadic.

This bothered me.

However I feel I’ve had a revelation.  It was definitely triggered in part by the fact of the 2017 International Photography Awards.  The fact is that I had the privilege of scoring second place in the digitally enhanced category.  An area I definitely would not consider myself proficient in compared to many of the great artists out there.  What I came to realize is that to be a great photographer doesn’t depend on having a designated style, rather it depends on you being ready to face challenges presented to you and on your being willing to explore and experiment.

If I can impart one piece of advice from my own experience, it would be not to let yourself believe you can’t do something because you doubt yourself.  Go for it, rise to the challenge, and mostly, have fun!

2017 IPA Second Place Award Photo Announcement

A sample of a drastically different style, taken from the Italy series.